Wednesday 15 July 2009

Ben Adams does poetry.......

Ever wondered where those random Facebook updates on Ben's private profile are coming from? Get another glimpse of Ben's randomness as he comes up with a bit of poetry at the pub.


  1. Hey Ben, the video blog IS cool! :)

  2. You're so weird Ben...But damn I love you. Hah!

  3. haha...fatty people are cute happy next to happy gay have u seen any fatty person in mental nop coz they love eating than to waste their time to criying haha miss u harty.even if ur so weird. wait 4 me my loving hero

  4. hi harty i've read in ur twitter that u will answer a question here so i ask u what is life 4 u art or science fave food ciggaret shampoo,love songs day number midle initial thank u i hope ur not angry xxxxxxxxxprar always

  5. hi ben do have a girl friend now or any special person in your heart orlife when is the a1 reunion iam a avid fan of a1i hope u've come back here in thailand

  6. hi ben, how are you? my question is have your past girlfriends being fans if not would you ever date a fan.
